Hi all, Couldn’t leave without saying goodbye to the open source community which I spent the most time mingling besides my previous company work. As many of you already know, I left the firmware field and thus 9elements to pursue my own startup.
What a bizarre community with many interesting and great people, who I have grown to know many of you personally throughout the journey. In the end, I wish for the best of coreboot from the bottom of my heart, and hopefully it will be the de-factor firmware standard for providing much better quality and services compared to the existing solutions… Firmware world is a mess, and the introduction of coreboot came in as a spring water flows in some of very best devices in the world, and it just boot without much complications! Firmware should be simple and free the users from proprietary control!!!
Always believed in coreboot, and will always vouch for you all :) Thank you for creating a very welcoming open source community that I had a lot of fun (and also some hard) times with ;)
Best Regards, Sheng
P.S: Any coreboot forks (whatever you called it Masharo or Pipapo), please pay your due in upstreaming your changes back to the main coreboot branch - especially for those companies who are having good profits (you know who you are) but refuse to actively contributing back to the community: maybe I will still come after you if I have too much free time; unless be a good boy and stop leaching for greed and profits, after all you are taking big advantage of the hard work from all the community members. Have some dignity.