Which $300 to $500 laptop would be the topmost pick for CoreBoot compatibility?
I need CoreBoot to Just Work as I cannot afford the risk or time for development. So the unit needs solid reliable support. The laptop will boot into Linux if you're wondering but I guess CoreBoot also does Windows.
Can be new or slightly used. I'm happy to buy one or two generations old. Yet it needs HDMI output to drive a second 27-in. screen (as either (a) added pixel space, "Virtual Xdim Ydim" under X11, or (b) just as primary monitor with laptop's screen off). So video might need to be decent. I don't really care about the size of the laptop screen itself.
I prefer AMD and/or Radeon over Intel, but only found one such laptop on the support list. The Pavilion m6 1035dx overheats say the reviews.
I'd like to buy off-the-shelf retail. I'd love a CoreBoot guru to scour the offerings on retail websites (BestBuy, Walmart, the usual suspects). But mail-order warehouse vendors (NewEgg, TigerDirect) are OK. The main need is total CoreBoot compatibility.
As long as I'm here I may as well ask about miniITX too. If the laptop is too problematic then that's another way I can go. What's the most compatible miniITX on the market?
Thanks for everything, CoreBoot!