On Sun, Jan 22, 2006 at 09:40:27PM -0700, Ronald G Minnich wrote:
Adam Talbot wrote:
-Ron To day I will sound like a n00b. VSA?
A strange piece of software that is installed and acts like hardware -- certain ops trap to it, I think.
really odd. I can't find a good writeup on it, since it is mostly proprietary.
VSA=Virtual System Architecture VSM=VSA module
The BIOS inits VSA and all available VSMs. A VSM claims IO or int resources.
VSA uses SMM to run VSMs when the OS accesses those resources. (outb(xx,0x220) in kernel -> smint -> dispatched to audio VSM)
NSC had two documents describing it: "VSA/BIOS Porting Guide" and "Virtual System Architecture BIOS Porting Guide"
Don't ask how they differ, I don't remember.