Issue #484 has been updated by Nico Huber.
Sorry, confused things earlier, I thought your script would also toggle the EHCI driver. Can you confirm that it works on a X200 or T500 with only the EHCI driver enabled? Is there a USB hub involved? (could also be embedded into the ThinkPad or the keyboard, `lsusb -t` would tell)
---------------------------------------- Bug #484: No USB keyboard support with secondary payloads coreinfo, nvramcui, tint and probably others as well
* Author: Robert Gruber * Status: New * Priority: Normal * Target version: none * Start date: 2023-04-26 * Affected versions: 4.15, 4.16, 4.17, 4.18, 4.19, master * Needs backport to: master * Affected hardware: X200, T500, X220, X230 and probably others as well ---------------------------------------- When coreboot was compiled with default parameters any secondary payload I tried (coreinfo, nvramcui, tint) does not recognize keyboard input.
I found a simple workaround in libpayload until this behavior is fixed (please see attachment). Depending on used hardware I switch from ehci (X200, T500) to xhci (X220, X230) driver and vice verse. Both drivers (ehci and xhci) together obviously cause this problem. However, this is the default in libpayload configuration.
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