I used the stock FC4 kernel with the same command line as you used. My autoboot was just hdb1:/linux_2.6.16.elf (I have a CD-ROM as hda)
Good luck,
-----Original Message----- From: linuxbios-bounces@linuxbios.org [mailto:linuxbios-bounces@linuxbios.org] On Behalf Of Per Mellander Sent: Wednesday, May 31, 2006 6:53 AM To: myles@mouselemur.cs.byu.edu Cc: linuxbios@linuxbios.org Subject: Re: [LinuxBIOS] EPIA-MII 12000, almost there. ( newbie )
Now I get so far that the kernel is identified and loaded but then it breaks :(
I created an elf with mkelfImage:
# mkelfImage --kernel=/vmlinuz-2.6.16-1.2111_FC5 --output=/vmlinuz.elf --initrd=/initrd-2.6.16-1.2111_FC5.img --command-line="ro root=LABEL=/ rhgb quiet console=ttyS0 console=ttyS0,115200"
Jumping to boot code at 0x109ad4 FILO version 0.5 (root@mm.int.mmtab.se) Wed May 31 13:44:15 CEST 2006 Press <Enter> for default boot, or <Esc> for boot prompt... timed out boot: hda1:/vmlinuz.elf find_ide_controller: found PCI IDE controller 1106:0571 prog_if=0x8a find_ide_controller: primary channel: compatibility mode find_ide_controller: cmd_base=0x1f0 ctrl_base=0x3f4 ide_software_reset: Waiting for ide0 to become ready for reset... ok init_drive: Testing for hda init_drive: Probing for hda init_drive: LBA mode, sectors=268435455 init_drive: LBA48 mode, sectors=321672960 init_drive: Init device params... ok hda: LBA48 164GB: HDS722516VLAT80 Mounted ext2fs Loading Linux version 2.6.16-1.2111_FC5 (bhcompile@hs20-bc1-3.build.redhat.com) #1 Thu May 4 21:16:58 EDT 2006... Jumping to entry point... 0
LinuxBIOS- Wed May 31 13:15:25 CEST 2006 starting... Enabling mainboard devices Enabling shadow ram
I get the same result when I try,
AUTOBOOT_FILE = "hda1:/vmlinuz initrd=/initrd.img root=/dev/hda1 console=tty0 console=ttyS0,115200"
so the problem is not in the elf image.
Could you please send me a snippet from your AUTOBOOT or similar?
Btw. Do I have to make a 'special' kernel to make this work or should the stock FC5 work?
On Tue, 30 May 2006 08:38:53 -0600, Myles Watson wrote
Did you try using mkelfImage from ftp://ftp.lnxi.com/pub/mkelfImage ? It combines the vmlinuz & initrd files into one.
To get my machine to boot I used the same kernel parameters as I found in grub, set up by Fedora.