Hello 김유석,
Here is the alghoritm how you'll calculate the address: SLOTCAP address (B0:D1-4:F0:Offset 0x54[31:19]).
There are 16 bits for PCIe space: [1] 8 most significant bits for buses (256 maximum); [2] 5 bits for device ids (32 maximum) per bus; [3] 3 bits for functions (8 maximum) per device!
Gives maximum number od 2^16 (65536) different functions, each function has 2^12 (4096 Bytes) configuration space. In total, 256MB space near TOM for PCIe configuration space.
Now, you can calculate your physical address as such: BASE address + bus0 + devices 1 to 4 + Function 0 => Physical BASE PCIe address holding config space (4 most significant bits) + 0x00080054.
I strongly advise you to execute the following command: lspci --help and review the options (this is very helpful command).
Interesting options for you are: -xxx Show hex-dump of the whole config space (dangerous; root only) -xxxx Show hex-dump of the 4096-byte extended config space (root only)
You can also do: lspci -xxx and see what are the BAR addresses for 00:01.0, 00:02.0, 00:03.0 and 00:04.0 (where the data memory is physically mapped for the device, per function).
You can also use the following options:
-xxx Show hex-dump of the whole config space (dangerous; root only) -xxxx Show hex-dump of the 4096-byte extended config space (root only)
Interesting pointer to read (for clarification): https://forums.xilinx.com/t5/PCI-Express/PCI-express-Base-Address-Register/t...
Good Luck, Zoran _______
On 1/13/17, Alexander Böcken Alexander.Boecken@junger-audio.com wrote:
this is a PCI related notation. It means Bus 0, Device 1-4, Function 0 of your board’s PCI bus. Then register offset 0x54, bits 31 to 19.
Regards, Alex
Von: coreboot [mailto:coreboot-bounces@coreboot.org] Im Auftrag von ??? Gesendet: Freitag, 13. Januar 2017 07:35 An: coreboot Betreff: [coreboot] How to understand register address on x86?
Dear Sir.
This time, I try to read the "V2_Avoton_BWG_Rev1_6_review.pdf" Page 169. Is see below.
But I don't understand the SLOTCAP address (B0:D1-4:F0:Offset 0x54[31:19]).
Could you explain this mean to me?
Thank you.