* Thomas Rohloff v10lator@myway.de [110603 12:33]:
Am Thu, 02 Jun 2011 06:37:16 -0700 schrieb Stefan Reinauer stefan.reinauer@coreboot.org:
On 6/1/11 10:52 PM, Thomas Rohloff wrote:
Hi, I have a AsRock 870 Etreme3 ( http://www.asrock.com/mb/overview.asp?model=870%20extreme3 ) and wanted to know if it's supported b coreboot.
See http://www.coreboot.org/Supported_Motherboards for a list of supported boards.
So it's not supported?
Most likely, no. Didn't particularly check the list, but I don't think it contains any AsRock boards right now.
Is there a change that it will be supported in the near future?
If someone with the hardware steps up to do a port there is a chance indeed.
That someone could be you! :-)
Basically the way this works is that you look for the most similar board in the tree, start out with that, and change it until everything works the way you want it to. This might be an effort anywhere from an hour to 12 months ;) Most likely with AMD chipsets it's rather less time since AMD supports coreboot quite well.
Also be sure that you have any means of recovery. A second flash chip if yours is socketed, or an external eeprom burner for instance.
So, is this possible? And is it possible to unlock the 4th CPU-Core with coreboot?
Yes it is possible. You will have to figure out, how, though.
Can you give me some hints?
Have not looked into it, but I believe I read that the 3core/4core switch is done by some code running on the EC, so it might not be a lot of work on the bios side.