Could you give a quick description how cache-as-RAM should be done on a Geode? Nothing detailed, just the outline.
Well, the outline is the same as the one used for AMD64 CAR: "Cache Initialization For General Storage During Boot" in the BKDG.
What's the BKDG?
The current CAR code modifies that cacheability rules and mappings with fixed, variable, and default type MTRRs. The code is generic, except for one AMD64-specific MSR.
So it's the same "put stuff into the cache, then mark that memory range as uncacheable" trick?
I don't see why it wouldn't work on any proc with x86-compatible MTRRs.
I could come up with some scenarios but none look very realistic. For example, the cache could do some "background" writebacks to try to optimise performance. Unfortunately the public documentation for x86 CPUs (any vendor) never seems to describe the caches' behaviour in detail.
Thanks for the explanation,