ron minnich wrote:
OK, this is an important point for v2. The right way to do this is to add these variables to the mcp55 chip.h: add the lines u32 a0, a4, a8, ac, b0, b4;
Then, in the for the mainboard, you do something like this in the section for the southbridge:
register "a0" = "c1100001" register "a4" = "0" register "a8" = "0" register "ac" = "0" register "b0" = "02f40295" register "b4" = "085f0800"
Is this something the user is supposed to understand? Are these properties of the device tree?
What do those values mean? GPIOs?
How will we do this in v3? Something like
gpio { num=32, direction=output, value=1 } # Disable write protection