Andrew Ip
Email: aip@cwlinux.com
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On Thu, Jan 30, 2003 at 09:02:13PM +0100, Alessio Sangalli wrote:
> I've download the prepackaged image from cwlinux website and the cvs
> version of freebios. I flashed the file:
> ftp.cwlinux.com/pub/downloads/linuxbios-sdk/images/romimages/m810-ide.rom
> on the hard disk, connected as hda, I've made a partition hda1 of few MB
> and formatted as ext2. Here I've placed a kernel compiled from vanilla
> 2.4.20 sources and processed with:
> mkelfImage --kernel=/usr/src/linux-2.4.20/linux/arch/i386/boot/bzImage
> --command-line="console=ttyS0,115200 CONSOLE=ttyS0,115200 root=/dev/hda1
> video=sisfb:640x480-8@60,font:VGA8x16" --output=kernel.elf
> I've renamed the kernel.elf image in "kernel" and I put it on hda1. hda2
> is my root fs.
> When I turn the computer on, I can see (as soon as the monitor resumes
> from the silly dpms powerdown) a tux logo and a cursor flashing.
> On a serial terminal I get the attached log.
> At this point caps lock and no scroll leds are blinking.
> Frame buffer seems to work well! Why isn't my system booting properly?