Hi. I want report that possible boot/install Win9x OS's on motherboard Abit BF6 with coreboot v4 + SeaBIOS master. After first reboot need boot PC from other OS e.g MS-DOS without AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS and delete one line from file C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT on Windows partition (default FAT32 C:) like this: ---------------------------------------------------- mode con cp prepare=((852) ega.cpi) mode con cp select=852 keyb pl,,keybrd4.sys <----------- DELETE THIS LINE MSCDEX.EXE /D:MSCD001 ---------------------------------------------------- This is keyboard driver. On Abit BF6 with coreboot v4 this causes PC hang. After delete this line OS's boot OK :-). On Win95 working driver GPU S3 Savage 3D (Fachman). On Win98SE working Reboot from menu Start. On both OS's some problems with install device drivers e.g. PCI or ISA.