Let's think of a few things which makes gerrit annoying:
* -2 is a de-facto veto * -1 is not persistent on updates, encouraging -2 to be given
The end result is that we're encouraging vetoing of patches.
Proposal: * Submitability of a patch is based on overall review score ** Need at least a score of +2 for patch to be submitted ** Maybe (?) a score of +3 to require at least two sets of eyes * A review of -2 is not a veto ** Patch still submittable if overall score is +2 (or +3) * Score of -1/-2 is persistent until reviewer retracts it
Requiring a review of +2 is possible, but not necessarily needed. Since only persons with +2 rights can submit a patch, their submitting a patch based on a +1/+1 review is effectively an approval.
This has the effect of increasing the significance of -1/+1 scores, which, in the old scheme, were somewhat useless (an infinite number of -1 scores would not prevent a patch from being submitted).
I think we should try this system, and see how well it works.