Hi Mats,
On 04.09.2008 12:38, Mats Erik Andersson wrote:
Action: patch evaluation
Ons den 3:e sep 03 03:17:34 2008 skrev Carl-Daniel Hailfinger:
This patch is the equivalent of running Mats' reduce.sh before every compilation. Thanks to him for the initial idea and realization.
The only thing left out is the make rule for cleaning the romcc binary shared between each fallback/normal image. That change should be discussed separately.
Signed-off-by: Carl-Daniel Hailfinger c-d.hailfinger.devel.2006@gmx.net
Patch attached because it is >100k.
Acked-by: Mats Erik Andersson mats.andersson@gisladisker.se
There is one unresolved issue: romcc is built as it should in a directory like "targets/msi/ms6119/ms6119/", but once built, it remains in place forever, since there is no make-rule to clean the executable romcc. The old clean-targets are only looking inside target-machine/{normal,fallback}/ where from now on there is no romcc. Thus the superordinate Makefile "target-machine/Makefile" ought to have a target "clean-romcc" that really removes romcc in cases where the compiler undergoes changes.
Thanks, I forgot to resend my patch with that change. Fixed.
Remark: A truly large patch to visually verify, but I did it and I performed five different builds for an equal number of targets.
Thanks a lot!
Fixed version checked in as r3564.
Best regards,
Mats Andersson
P.S. Addressing me as "Mats" is the usual mode. The explicit mention of a middle name is a remnant from my time as an active research mathematician!
Thanks for explaining. By the way, we have lots of code verification tasks for you which should be suited perfectly for a mathematician. ;-)
P.P.S. I did not expect to become trustworthy to acknowledge patches so soon, so I am improvising the formal protocol. Hopefully it can be mended to pass as is intended.
Anyone who has read/tested/verified a patch is allowed and encouraged to ack a patch. The final decision of checkin is in the hands of the committer.
By the way, you might want to look at coreboot v3. IMO it is a lot more readable and has a cleaner codebase.
Regards, Carl-Daniel