On Wed, Nov 10, 2021 at 11:39 AM bernd1-1@web.de bernd1-1@web.de wrote:
So if I got it right maybe I've installed the wrong python version.
Since coreboot did seem to build, I believe you installed the correct version. I don't believe SeaBIOS requires python to actually run, only to compile.
Anyway, I see the output (probably of coreboot) in the original terminal window and the output (probably of SeaBIOS) in an additional QEMU window. I assume that the boot process is simulated. It seems to try booting from CD/DVD (which isn't built-in) and Floppy (also not built-in) and hard disk. It doesn't seem to work and it doesn't startup. I'm in a loop.
QEMU says:
No bootable devive. Retrying in 60 seconds.
It tries to boot each 60 seconds.
Is that due to the (possibly wrong) python version or what's the reason? What do I need to do?
Congratulations, you've built coreboot (for QEMU) with the SeaBIOS payload! That output is expected, as there isn't anything to boot from. QEMU emulates an entire computer, and the command listed in the tutorial does not include a virtual hard drive, floppy disk, disk drive, or anything else, so there isn't anything it could possibly boot from. So you didn't do anything wrong, and python doesn't have anything to do with it.
If you want to see it start something up, one way would be to add a secondary payload to the coreboot image (It's also a good way to experiment and gain experience with the build system). That will add a second payload alongside SeaBIOS. Run "make menuconfig" again, select the "Payloads" menu, select the "Secondary payloads" menu, then select any one of the options in there (tint is probably the most interesting, it's a Tetris like game), and then exit selecting "yes" at the end to save the config.
Then run "make" again to rebuild the image, then run the same QEMU command as in step 8 in the tutorial. When QEMU starts you should see a prompt that says "Press ESC for boot menu", and when you hit escape, you should be presented with a menu to select the boot menu. Type the appropriate number to select the secondary payload that you added, and something should come up.
Another thing you could do is to download an install ISO for some Linux distro (if you don't already have one handy), saving it in the the directory where coreboot is located, and then running a command like this:
$ qemu-system-x86_64 -bios build/coreboot.rom -serial stdio -cdrom linux.iso
replacing "linux.iso" with the actual name of the iso.
Once you feel comfortable with the build system feel free to try and move on and build coreboot for your actual hardware; I believe I outlined some steps to do that in a previous email.
Regards, Nicholas