Woot!!! It compiles and boot, kinda. The compile finishes with out any errors, but when I go to boot the system all I get is garbage on the minicom screen. Same with hyperterm. I have seen this out put in minicom before, simple fix, set minicom to the right speed ( 115200 8N1, no hard/software flow control). I when through all speed, it still does not like me. Any ideas?
my current config:
target lv671 mainboard commell/lv671
option ROM_SIZE=524288
romimage "normal" option USE_FALLBACK_IMAGE=0 option ROM_IMAGE_SIZE=0x15000 option LINUXBIOS_EXTRA_VERSION=".0Normal" payload /etc/hosts end
romimage "fallback" option USE_FALLBACK_IMAGE=1 option ROM_IMAGE_SIZE=0x15000 option LINUXBIOS_EXTRA_VERSION=".0Fallback" payload /etc/hosts end
buildrom ./linuxbios.rom ROM_SIZE "normal" "fallback"