Adds the Intel 6300ESB as known chipset to the chipset enables-structure.
Signed-off-by: Claus Gindhart <claus.gindhart <at>>
--- coreboot-v2.orig/util/flashrom/chipset_enable.c 2008-05-14
10:20:23.000000000 +0200
+++ coreboot-v2/util/flashrom/chipset_enable.c 2008-05-14 11:39:45.000000000
@@ -577,6 +577,7 @@
{0x8086, 0x24c0, "Intel ICH4/ICH4-L", enable_flash_ich_4e},
{0x8086, 0x24cc, "Intel ICH4-M", enable_flash_ich_4e},
{0x8086, 0x24d0, "Intel ICH5/ICH5R", enable_flash_ich_4e},
+ {0x8086, 0x25a1, "Intel 6300ESB", enable_flash_ich_4e},
{0x8086, 0x2640, "Intel ICH6/ICH6R", enable_flash_ich_dc},
{0x8086, 0x2641, "Intel ICH6-M", enable_flash_ich_dc},
{0x8086, 0x27b0, "Intel ICH7DH", enable_flash_ich_dc_spi},
Dominik Geyer
- SW R&D -
Kontron Modular Computers
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