Issue #453 has been updated by CoolStar Organization.
Affected OS changed from Windows 8.1, Windows 10, macOS, Linux to Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Windows 11, macOS, Linux
---------------------------------------- Bug #453: Intel HDMI / DP Audio device not showing up after libgfxinit
* Author: CoolStar Organization * Status: New * Priority: Normal * Target version: none * Start date: 2023-02-05 * Affected versions: master * Needs backport to: 4.15 * Affected hardware: All boards with libgfxinit * Affected OS: Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Windows 11, macOS, Linux ---------------------------------------- Intel HDMI / DP Audio device does not appear on the HD Audio bus after running libgfxinit until after GPU driver initializes in the OS. This can cause a race condition on certain OS's, especially if HDA enumeration runs before the GPU driver initializes the card in the OS (or happens if the GPU driver doesn't run at all, which can happen on all OS's with boot args or uninstalling the GPU driver)