On Mon, Jun 18, 2007 at 01:52:35PM -0400, Corey Osgood wrote:
This patch fixes up a couple mistakes I made with the i82810 and mew-vw to make the system boot to a command line.
Signed-off-by: Corey Osgood corey.osgood@gmail.com
Looks commitable, but as Peter said, please describe what was fixed why, and how. What was the settings which prevented a successful boot? The IRQ Table thing (IRQ_SLOT_COUNT) or the AGP settings, or both?
Index: src/mainboard/asus/mew-vm/Options.lb
--- src/mainboard/asus/mew-vm/Options.lb (revision 2724) +++ src/mainboard/asus/mew-vm/Options.lb (working copy) @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ ## Build code to export a programmable irq routing table ## default HAVE_PIRQ_TABLE = 1 -default IRQ_SLOT_COUNT = 4 +default IRQ_SLOT_COUNT = 11
Is this value correct? Did you copy the irq_tables.c file from some other target or was it generated by getpir or did you create it manually?
- pci_write_config8(ctrl->d0, PAM, 0x00);
- pci_write_config8(ctrl->d0, PAM, 0xff);
If you do this (i.e. make all those regions "normal" RAM), I think you can also change northbridge.c to report the now "freed" RAM:
/* Report the memory regions. */ idx = 10; ram_resource(dev, idx++, 0, 640); ram_resource(dev, idx++, 768, tolmk - 768);
General question: is there some reason to configure the PAM-controlled areas to something other than "read/write" in any case? Do any modern OSes or payloads which we might want to support _need_ the PAM regions to be something other than read/write?
Uhhuh. NMI received for unknown reason 31 on CPU 0. Do you have a strange power saving mode enabled? Dazed and confused, but trying to continue
Oh yeah, kernel messages are really funny sometimes :-)