On Saturday 12 February 2005 11:20, Stefan Reinauer wrote:
- Paul Millar paulm@astro.gla.ac.uk [050211 23:39]:
A random extra bit of info, I just found this page: http://www.openbios.org/development/devbios.html
I haven't tried it yet, but if it works, it would make flashing new images a lot easier. A link from your web-page might be a good idea.
It's not really up to date. I've got the impression that freebios2/util/flash_and_burn/ works better.
OK, but this is *precisely* the information that should go in the FAQ. One of the first questions (at least for me) was: if I build LinuxBIOS, how do I "run" it?
If I've got this right the answer is: 1. that softboot thing (utility that loads the image into memory and runs it instead of halt/reboot, from /etc/init.d/S99halt)
2. Flashing via the motherboard: 2.0 procedure for flashing an external EEPROM using mobo 2.1 flash using flash_and_burn util (in freebios2) [recommended] 2.2 flash using OpenBIOS /dev/bios support 2.3 flash using 2.6-kernel MTD mobo-BIOS flash support 2.4 flash using freebios/util/sis 2.5 flash using Intel's System Update Package (this still exist?)
3. flash using external EEPROM burner: 3.1 Devices that work under Linux: 3.1.1 burn-u-like-it [link] ... 3.2 Other computer-controlled devices (boot under Windows?): 3.2.1 burn-with-gates [link] ,,, 3.3 Stand-alone devices: 3.3.1 Needham Electronics EMP 30 [link] 3.3.1 Nero's Fiddle 100 [link]