ron minnich wrote:
In general I'd like to avoid weak symbols, what purpose is being served by them here?
It avoids the need to add an empty function to every single mainboard not supporting the feature yet, in order to avoid compilation breakage of those boards.
Carl-Daniel mentioned that weak symbols make the code harder to follow. In a classic C sense that may not wrong, but since we're modelling components, what happens is that we have a slightly object oriented approach and some "constructors" are being overloaded, while others stay empty.
We do a similar thing with the device functions in many places.. "If there's a subsystem vendor/device id function for that device, execute it, otherwise execute the default function" is harder to follow than just "If there's an ACPI create function for that board, execute it"
To show an example, look at this:
What we have today:
/* Set the subsystem vendor and device id for mainboard devices */ ops = ops_pci(dev); if (dev->on_mainboard && ops && ops->set_subsystem) { ops->set_subsystem(dev, MAINBOARD_PCI_SUBSYSTEM_VENDOR_ID, MAINBOARD_PCI_SUBSYSTEM_DEVICE_ID); }
Here's on the other hand, how filo uses weak symbols: void __attribute__((weak)) platform_reboot(void);
if (platform_reboot) platform_reboot(); else printf("Rebooting not supported.\n");
which looks very familiar, does it? Oh, and a fix of the else case/error message would potentially fix 50 boards without requiring 50 small hunks of patches.
I'm no big fan of empty dummy function for everyone to fix compilation. Are they considered better than weak symbols as a method of controlling code flow and readability? They're sure not some overly clever code, so it hopefully won't become dangerous.
"Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it." – Brian W. Kernighan
One thing I wonder though, do we want to call weak symbols unconditionally, as in Rudolf's code? No if() clause catches the case that the symbol isn't there. In a test program that call would segfault a user space program here.