On Tue, Sep 9, 2008 at 12:14 PM, Alex Mauer hawke@hawkesnest.net wrote:
Since the Jetway J7F2* and J7F4* motherboards appear to work fine, what can be done about getting targets for them?
Mine at least (J7F2WE1G3) works without changing the irq_tables. The only change is in mainboard/via/epia-cn/Config.lb, changing "chip superio/via/vt1211" to "chip superio/fintek/f71805f".
However, it would be nice(r) if there was a targets/jetway/j7f2 and presumably a src/mainboard/jetway/j7f2.
I assume there would need to be some way of ensuring that the other files, like mainboard.c, auto.c, etc. stayed synchronised between them though.
What needs to be done for a j7f2 target to be created?
staying in sync is not really an issue. sometimes a board you derived from changes, and you don't want those changes in your board.
You are better off copying.
So your first step is mkdir -p mainboard/jetway/jf72 svn add mainboard/jetway/jf72 svn cp (or whatever) the various epia cn files to that dir.
Send in path. Target it next.