Thanks for pointers Nico.
I used the same picture laoding code and the same image. The only thing that changed was the graphics initialization: VGA ROM vs libgfxinit.
I have used SeaBIOS with the same bootsplash image. AFAIK it searches for a compatible (for given image resolution) VESA mode and displays the boot splash. The image was a JPG 1024x768 pixels (32bpp I guess).
On 3/27/20 9:35 PM, Nico Huber wrote:
Hi Michal,
On 27.03.20 15:49, Michal Zygowski wrote:
Another question about libgfxinit.
Up till Skylake the libgfxinit worked great for me, however after enabling it on a Kaby Lake platform I noticed the colors are flipped. I.e. when using VGA ROM the bootsplash image is correctly displayed in RGB, but when using libgfxinit and hires FB the colors are BGR (the same image is not displayed in same way). Do you possibly know what may the cause?
all I know is that with libgfxinit, so far you get the exact same pixel encoding for every platform (where I tested colors). I think it's BGRX.
What mode do you set with the VGA ROM? In the end it should be reported in a `struct lb_framebuffer` so you could compare the two encodings. Also, the code that loads the picture should write the pixels according to the reported format. Unless somebody took too many shortcuts.
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