* Christian Sühs chris@suehsi.de [051220 20:34]:
Then I recognized the lines above in auto.c, which disable the Firewire stuff, but The Epia-ML does not have Firewire, ok it is the same chipset and the firewire is integrated in the chip, but voila it works.
I have commented out line 119-123 and all works fine on high speed :D Is there a better way?
is this in the mainboard specific code? then we should have a new mainboard directory for the ML.
It is possible to get the vesafb on boottime. Because, there is no longer a bootsplash :(
Stefan means, I need an CLE266 fb kerneldriver and it should work, but via offered a kernel modul, only
Where can that module be found? You won't easily be able to use the vesa framebuffer, because linuxbios always sets a text mode instead of a graphics mode (and the vesafb driver does bios calls in some circumstances, at least on x86, but that can easily be patched)
LinuxBIOS should offer a way of getting the machine right into graphics mode and provide the framebuffer address and depth in the linuxbios table. ;) I say, drop text mode (as an option) and go framebuffer. This allows using two graphics cards on the bios level since we don't need to cope with concurrent mapping of legacy bios areas anymore.