Quoting Corey Osgood corey.osgood@gmail.com:
On Fri, Feb 22, 2008 at 6:21 PM, Carl-Daniel Hailfinger < c-d.hailfinger.devel.2006@gmx.net> wrote:
On 22.02.2008 23:48, Torsten Duwe wrote:
I have 2 versions to throw in.
On Friday 22 February 2008, Carl-Daniel Hailfinger wrote:
It can either mean "Environment Controller" or "Embedded Controller". In the future, superiotool will be able to dump settings of both types of these devices, so I fear the parameter has to be replaced by something like "--environ-dump".
--env-dump, because I consider that a common abbreviation ("man 1 env").
Because of "man 1 env" and the completely different meaning of it, I'd call it "--envctl-dump".
Thoughts? We should wait with the commit until there is consensus about the name of the long option.
OTOH the whole thing is about voltages, fans and temperature sensors,
Then there's a package called lm-sensors, so why not --sensors or --sensors-dump? "Environment" is also quite ambiguous, and the -s is
available, so --sensors* would be my favourite.
"--sensors-fan-voltage-controller-dump"? Older ITE datasheets call this thin a "Fan Controller".
Maybe we should wait for input on the name until monday before this is committed.
Regards, Carl-Daniel
Why not something more generic, like --advanced-dump, --adv-dump, --extra-dump, or something better. That way we cover all bases, without getting into the extremely long options. In the future, when we start messing with embedded controllers, it could cover that as well, the embedded controller also probably has its paws on the same controls anyway. Heck, if we really wanted, it could cover GPIOs too, so we end up with all the info you can get in one shot.
I like your idea Corey. On smsc it would great to be able to dump all of the "Runtime Registers" (GPIO's are there also).....
Thanks - Joe