On Sun, Jul 20, 2008 at 5:56 PM, bari bari@onelabs.com wrote:
Anyone know how or where in the source "device pci xx.x on/off" is used in /mainboard/../../Config.lb ?
it should be used in the acutal pci code.
In cleaning up the Epia-CN I'm noticing that there are conflicts in enables and disables of PCI devices between what is in its Config.lb and what is in auto.c, mainboard.c etc. I'm trying to clean this up, but almost every board I compare Config.lb files to it's done differently.
It's because it is complicated enough that it is hard to get right. auto.c should only touch bits needed to get dram working, or bits needed to make pci scan work (as in opteron). But more bits get put in there than necessary. mainboard.c should do as little as possible, but frequently, bits appear in there that should not.
Sorry, that's not much of an answer, but it's an indicator of sorts.
I know that many of the boards actually do work, but it is not understood how or why it does, only that it does. What board does this correctly and is the example that should be followed?
I still think the geode boards are not a bad example, e.g. the digitallogic ald855pc. I sure tried to get it right on the amd sc520 boards.
But it's hard to be perfect because the hardware itself is very inconsistent.