Chage it to 9. 9 is printk_spew
However I just looked at the epia-m auto.c main() and the serial port is not enabled until _after_ enable_smbus(). So something in your smbus may be hanging things up until it times out.
Try this:
in epia-m/auto.c comment out line 124, enable_smbus() and re-run. With loglevel 9 you should get the "In auto.c main()" message pretty quick. If that works then try moveing enable_smbus() to after the serial init.
If that crashes or hangs then you will have to leave it alone and debug code prior to main() and find out where its looping to cause the pause.
Ok, first I have commented out enable_smbus(), for that there are unreadable characters at the console and it takes the same time --> the false way
Then I recognized the lines above in auto.c, which disable the Firewire stuff, but The Epia-ML does not have Firewire, ok it is the same chipset and the firewire is integrated in the chip, but voila it works.
I have commented out line 119-123 and all works fine on high speed :D Is there a better way?
And now, the next problem.
It is possible to get the vesafb on boottime. Because, there is no longer a bootsplash :(
Stefan means, I need an CLE266 fb kerneldriver and it should work, but via offered a kernel modul, only
Know anybody a kernel fb driver for that chipset.