On Tue, 30 Jun 2009 00:43:38 -0700 (PDT), Rick Ant rick_077@yahoo.com wrote:
Sorry about the 512Kbytes questions, i'm interested with this matter... Anybody has an experience on how to use coreboot and RAMdisk ? my idea is coreboot is running for the first time creating ramdisk, alike with
for linux then copy the kernel to ramdisk, i saw a system with 256Kbytes running X-server, i'm sure it's using RAMdisk...or maybe other method ?
coreboot--->creating ramdisk-->copy kernel to Ramdisk...
Ramdisk does not necessarily mean it is all running from flash. I just means the OS is copied to memory and executed from there. The OS could get copied to ram from any storage media(flash, hard drive, cd-rom, floppy, etc). Almost all embedded Linux OS's run in a ramdisk.