Piotr Piwko wrote:
./msrtool 0x200000{18,19,1a,1b,1c,1d} 0x4c0000{0f,14}
OK, here is my output:
0x20000018 = 0x1007701400004840 0x20000019 = 0x180000006a7332a3 0x2000001a = 0x00000000130cd101 0x2000001b = 0x0000000000000000 0x2000001c = 0x0000000000ff00ff 0x2000001d = 0x0000000000001000 0x4c00000f = 0x83f100aa569603c4 0x4c000014 = 0x0000049c07de000c
I am going to analyze it ...
If msrtool didn't decode these for you then that's a bug. Did you get something similar to the following output?
# MC_CF07_DATA 0x20000018 = 0x1007701400004840 # 63:60 D1_SZ DIMM1 Size = 0001: 8 MB # 56 D1_MB DIMM1 Module Banks = 0: 1 Module bank # 52 D1_CB DIMM1 Component Banks = 0: 2 Component banks # 50:48 D1_PSZ DIMM1 Page Size = 111: DIMM1 Not Installed # 47:44 D0_SZ DIMM0 Size = 0111: 512 MB # 40 D0_MB DIMM0 Module Banks = 0: 1 Module bank # 36 D0_CB DIMM0 Component Banks = 1: 4 Component banks # 34:32 D0_PSZ DIMM0 Page Size = 100: 16 KB # 29:28 MSR_BA Mode Register Set Bank Address = 00: Program the DIMM Mode Register # 27 RST_DLL Mode Register Reset DLL = 0: Do not reset DLL # 26 EMR_QFC Extended Mode Register FET Control = 0: Enable # 25 EMR_DRV Extended Mode Register Drive Strength Control = 0: Normal # 24 EMR_DLL Extended Mode Register DLL = 0: Enable # 23:8 REF_INT Refresh Interval = 72 # 7:4 REF_STAG Refresh Staggering = 4 # 3 REF_TST Test Refresh = 0 # 1 SOFT_RST Software Reset = 0 # 0 PROG_DRAM Program Mode Register in SDRAM = 0
# MC_CF8F_DATA 0x20000019 = 0x180000006a7332a3 # 63:56 STALE_REQ GLIU Max Stale Request Count = 24 # 52:51 XOR_BIT_SEL XOR Bit Select = 00: ADDR[18] # 50 XOR_MB0 XOR MB0 Enable = 0: Disabled # 49 XOR_BA1 XOR BA1 Enable = 0: Disabled # 48 XOR_BA0 XOR BA0 Enable = 0: Disabled # 41 TRUNC_DIS Burst Truncate Disable = 0: Bursts Enabled # 40 REORDER_DIS Reorder Disable = 0: Reordering Enabled # 33 HOI_LOI High / Low Order Interleave Select = 0: Low Order Interleave # 31 THZ_DLY tHZ Delay = 0 # 30:28 CAS_LAT Read CAS Latency = 110: 2.5 # 27:24 ACT2ACTREF ACT to ACT/REF Period. tRC = 10 # 23:20 ACT2PRE ACT to PRE Period. tRAS = 7 # 18:16 PRE2ACT PRE to ACT Period. tRP = 3 # 14:12 ACT2CMD Delay Time from ACT to Read/Write. tRCD = 3 # 11:8 ACT2ACT ACT(0) to ACT(1) Period. tRRD = 2 # 7:6 DPLWR Data-in to PRE Period. tDPLW = 2: 2 # 5:4 DPLRD Data-in to PRE Period. tDPLR = 2: 2
# MC_CF1017_DATA 0x2000001a = 0x00000000130cd101 # 29:28 WR_TO_RD Write to Read Delay. tWTR = 1 # 26:24 RD_TMG_CTL Read Timing Control = 3 # 20:16 REF2ACT Refresh to Activate Delay. tRFC = 12 # 15:8 PM1_UP_DLY PMode1 Up Delay = 209 # 2:0 WR2DAT Write Command to Data Latency = 1: 1-clock delay for unbuffered DIMMs
# MC_CFPERF_CNT1 0x2000001b = 0x0000000000000000 # 63:32 CNT0 Counter 0 = 0 # 31:0 CNT1 Counter 1 = 0
# MC_PERFCNT2 0x2000001c = 0x0000000000ff00ff # 35 STOP_CNT1 Stop Counter 1 = 0 # 34 RST_CNT1 Reset Counter 1 = 0 # 33 STOP_CNT0 Stop Counter 0 = 0 # 32 RST_CNT0 Reset Counter 0 = 0
# MC_CFCLK_DBUG 0x2000001d = 0x0000000000001000 # 34 B2B_DIS Back-to-Back Command Disable = 0: Allow back-to-back commands # 33 MTEST_RBEX_EN MTEST RBEX Enable = 0: Disable # 32 MTEST_EN MTEST Enable = 0: Disable # 16 FORCE_PRE Force Precharge-all = 0: Disable # 12 TRISTATE_DIS TRI-STATE Disable = 1: Tri-stating disabled # 9 MASK_CKE1 CKE1 Mask = 0: CKE1 output enable unmasked # 8 MASK_CKE0 CKE0 Mask = 0: CKE0 output enable unmasked # 7 CNTL_MSK1 Control Mask 1 = 0: DIMM1 CAS1# RAS1# WE1# CS[3:2]# output enable unmasked # 6 CNTL_MSK0 Control Mask 0 = 0: DIMM0 CAS0# RAS0# WE0# CS[1:0]# output enable unmasked # 5 ADRS_MSK Address Mask = 0: MA and BA output enable unmasked
# GLCP_DELAY_CONTROLS 0x4c00000f = 0x83f100aa569603c4 # 63 EN Enable = 1: Use value in bits [62:0] # 62 B_DQ Buffer Control for DQ DQS DQM TLA drive = 0: Quarter power # 61 B_CMD Buffer Control for RAS CAS CKE CS WE drive = 0: Quarter power # 60 B_MA Buffer Control for MA BA drive = 0: Half power # 59 SDCLK_SET SDCLK Setup = 0: Full SDCLK setup # 58:56 DDR_RLE DDR read latch enable position = 3 # 55 SDCLK_DIS SDCLK disable [1,3,5] = 1: SDCLK[0,2,4] output only # 54:52 TLA1_OA TLA hint pin output adjust = 7 # 51:50 D_TLA1 Output delay for TLA1 = 0 # 49:48 D_TLA0 Output delay for TLA0 = 1 # 47:46 D_DQ_E Output delay for DQ DQM - even byte lanes = 0 # 45:44 D_DQ_O Output delay for DQ DQM - odd byte lanes = 0 # 41:40 D_SDCLK Output delay for SDCLK = 0 # 39:38 D_CMD_O Output delay for CKE CS RAS CAS WE - odd bits = 2 # 37:36 D_CMD_E Output delay for CKE CS RAS CAS WE - even bits = 2 # 35:34 D_MA_O Output delay for BA MA - odd bits = 2 # 33:32 D_MA_E Output delay for BA MA - even bits = 2 # 31:30 D_PCI_O Output delay for pci_ad IRQ13 SUSPA# INTA# - odd bits = 1 # 29:28 D_PCI_E Output delay for pci_ad IRQ13 SUSPA# INTA# - even bits = 1 # 27:26 D_DOTCLK Output delay for DOTCLK = 1 # 25:24 D_DRGB_O Output delay for DRGB[31:0] - odd bits = 2 # 23:22 D_DRGB_E Output delay for DRGB[31:0] HSYNC VSYNC DISPEN VDDEN LDE_MOD - even bits = 2 # 21:20 D_PCI_IN Input delay for pci_ad CBE# PAR STOP# FRAME# IRDY# TRDY# DEVSEL# REQ# GNT# CIS = 1 # 19:18 D_TDBGI Input delay for TDBGI = 1 # 17:16 D_VIP Input delay for VID[15:0] VIP_HSYNC VIP_VSYNC = 2 # 15:14 D_VIPCLK Input delay for VIPCLK = 0 # 13 H_SDCLK Half SDCLK hold select (for cmd addr) = 0: Full SDCLK setup # 12:11 PLL_FD_DEL PLL Feedback Delay = 00: No feedback delay # 5 DLL_OV DLL Override (to DLL) = 0 # 4:0 DLL_OVS/RSDA DLL Override Setting or Read Strobe Delay Adjust = 4
# GLCP_SYS_RSTPLL 0x4c000014 = 0x0000049c07de000c # 43:39 GLIUMULT GLIU Multiplier = 9 # 38 GLIUDIV GLIU Divide = 0: Do not predivide input # 37:33 COREMULT CPU Core Multiplier = 14 # 32 COREDIV CPU Core Divide = 0: Do not predivide input # 31:26 SWFLAGS Flags = 000001 # 25 GLIULOCK GLIU PLL Lock = 1: PLL locked # 24 CORELOCK CPU Core PLL Lock = 1: PLL locked # 23:16 HOLD_COUNT Hold Count, divided by 16 = 222 # 14 GLIUPD GLIU PLL Power Down mode = 0 # 13 COREPD CPU Core PLL Power Down mode = 0 # 12 GLIUBYPASS GLIU PLL Bypass = 0: DOTPLL drives the GLIU clock # 11 COREBYPASS CPU Core PLL Bypass = 0: DOTPLL drives the CPU Core clock # 10 LPFEN Loop Filter = 0: Disabled # 9 VA_SEMI_SYNC_MODE CPU-GLIU Sync Mode = 0: The GLIU FIFO is used by the CPU # 8 PCI_SEMI_SYNC_MODE PCI-GLIU Sync Mode = 0: Falling edges on mb_func_clk and pci_func_clk are used by PCI # 7 BOOTSTRAP_PW1 PW1 bootstrap = 0: 33MHz PCI clock # 6 BOOTSTRAP_IRQ13 IRQ13 bootstrap = 0: No stall # 5:1 BOOTSTRAPS CPU/GLIU frequency select = 00110 # 0 CHIP_RESET Chip Reset = 0