Hi, I've sent this mail september 14th, but I didn't see it on the mailing list.... I try to re-send it, thank you
Hi. I would like to buy a motherboard for a VDR system: http://www.cadsoft.de/people/kls/vdr
This software uses DVB cards to receive digital television and transforms your PC in a powerful videorecorder - dvd player - divx mp3 etc etc etc
As you can imagine, a very fast boot would be very appreciate, making it possible to completely replace a standalone digital receiver.
I watched around and I found a shop selling PC-CHIPS motherboards. I need an AGP slot, and two or more PCI slots for DVB-cards, plus ethernet etc. I have a bit of fear the 815 is very limited in expansion, perhaps the 830 is better for me. Do you have any advice about motherboards? I also found a page (http://www.stud.fernuni-hagen.de/q3998142/pcchips/aka.html) where there are the pc-chips equivalents; nowadays I can very easily find ECS products which are the very same of pcchips 830 etc.
I've read archive mailing list and all but I still need some more informations. Will I be able to directly boot my own linux kernel, with IDE, XFS etc support? I need a hard-disk anyway, to record movies and load vdr software, etc.
bye and thank you! as