It looks like the code tries 12MHz by default but can be set to 24MHz which is worth a try.
I think the syntax would just be "-p dediprog:speed=24"
On Tue, Jun 2, 2015 at 11:38 AM, Steve Goodrich wrote:
I got the Chromium version of flashrom to work, but it takes 20 minutes to flash/verify the 8 MB device. So, while "working" is far better than "not working", it is a bit sluggish. :-)
Any thoughts on speeding it up?
-- Steve G.
On Tue, Jun 2, 2015 at 8:57 AM, Steve Goodrich wrote:
Thanks, Duncan! I'll have a look.
-- Steve G.
On Tue, Jun 2, 2015 at 8:48 AM, Duncan Laurie wrote:
On Tue, Jun 2, 2015 at 7:39 AM, Steve Goodrich <> wrote:
I have a DediProg SF100 programmer that I want to use with flashrom under Linux. Unfortunately, the SF100 has firmware version 6.5.03 and I can't use flashrom with it.
I'm looking for a solution. Does anyone have (or know where/how I can get):
- A version of SF100 firmware that will work with flashrom?
- A version of flashrom that will work with SF100 6.5.3?
- A Linux tool -- other than flashrom -- that will work with the SF100
with its current firmware?
Thanks for any help you can provide! -- Steve G.
Hi Steve,
There is a patch in the chromium flashrom tree that add support for firmware 6.0+ (which may or may not include 6.5.3) that does not seem to be in the upstream flashrom:
I suspect the chromium flashrom tree has diverged enough from upstream that it will not apply cleanly there but it is only a 130 line patch so it shouldn't be too bad to integrate if needed.