I have since discovered using a multimeter that the interrupt lines are directly connected between all four PCI slots. I have adjusted mptables.c to reflect the "swizzling" of the lines.
I can attach a simple logic probe to the PIRQ[A-D] and watch as each of the four DEC tulips on a quad fast ethernet card are subjected to a ping -f while in slot 1.
The NICs in the other slots do not seem to generate interrupts, at least not that my primitive probe can see.
I have tried ethtool's diagnostic, but I could use more resources for troubleshooting PCI memory/io configuration.
lspci -xxx shows that io/memory/master are enabled on the NICs, and there aren't any obvious misconfigurations of the bridge or NICs BARs for io/memory/prefetchable
Any suggestions what to look for would be appreciated.
On Thu, 2007-05-03 at 15:03 -0400, Jeremy Jackson wrote:
I'm working on Tyan S2865 again here, Nvidia CK804, and I can't get PCI32 bus interrupts going. I've got mptable.c working for onboard devices and PCI-e sots.
I've got a quad-ethernet PCI card working in slot one, which demonstrates that all 4 PCI INTR[1234] pins are working
however i can't seem to get interrupts from any pin of any other slot [2-4] or the onboard ATI VGA or firewire chips (which are on PCI32 bus also) I have done trial and error on slots 2-4 using interrupts 16-25 with no effect (IO-APIC vectors and beyond)
the motherboard's manual has a PCI interrupt "swizzle" table, but it appears to be cut and pasted from another model and regardless is unintelligible, so I put the quad ethernet card in slots 2-4, expecting that at least one interrupt ABCD pin would fire, but nothing, absolutely no interrupts are generated from slots 2-4 or either onboard PCI device.
The other slots host a Matrox Millennium adapter that works as fbconsole, so the slots aren't completely dead.
Any CK804 specific tips or general Linux interrupt detection tips are appreciated.