Here is more information.
Motherboard: Jetway 656HXA. Chipset: Intel 430HX, PIIX3 Superio: Winbond 83877f Original BIOS image: http://www.jetway.com.tw/evisn/download/bios/hxa/Hxa-b02.bin
The motherboards was chosen because I needed something that I could experiment with and destory without loosing anything valuable.
I have "successfully" booted a Linux kernel (mounted filesystem and running /bin/sh), but I ran into a similar problem as http://www.clustermatic.org/pipermail/linuxbios/2003-February/001904.html, I couldn't bring up the NIC. The reason was that the kernel couldn't assign an IRQ to it and I associate the problem with fact that I haven't implemented an irq table yet.
So I started to search for one and getpir didn't result in a hit.
Here I am search for all kind of information about PCI & interrupts and irq tables....
Best Regards, /UFo
-----Original Message----- From: ebiederman@lnxi.com [mailto:ebiederman@lnxi.com] Sent: den 19 februari 2003 02:54 To: Ulrik Forsgren (EAB) Cc: 'linuxbios@clustermatic.org' Subject: Re: irq_table.c without a pirq table?
"Ulrik Forsgren (EAB)" Ulrik.Forsgren@epl.ericsson.se writes:
I'm am testing LinuxBIOS on a Pentium motherboard that doesn't have a pirq table in BIOS and I suppose that Linux requires a pirq table to be able route the irqs to the PCI boards.
I have scanned the original BIOS without finding the PIRQ tag.
How can I create an irq_table.c when I can't copy it from the original BIOS?
PCIBIOS 2.1 calls?
Or looking at the irqs assigned on the pci bus and at the irq router. Or looking at the MP table. Or looking through the information provided by ACPI.