On Tue, Nov 09, 2021 at 06:57:10PM +0100, Merlin Büge wrote:
No offense, but you may be better off with buying some device which has coreboot pre-installed (if that's what you want). For a list of vendors who sell devices with coreboot/SeaBIOS pre-installed, look at the section "Consumer platforms" at the bottom here: https://coreboot.org/users.html
If you want to proceed with doing it yourself, be prepared that it will take some time (several weeks+) and that you will have to learn a lot.
Please stop. I've done my first coreboot with some minor issues in few days. Then one thing led to another and I've made small contribution to coreboot git repo. With almost zero knowledge about low level hardware things like this before my first real build.
Building coreboot, diving inside - it was a great trip. :) When I have some spare time I'm going back!
"Just buy the hardware" is just sad advice. It hurts my eyes.
No offence, just my 2 cents. :)
Keep going Bernd!
Best regards, Piotr Szymaniak.