Hi Myles, I will try to help..... :)
On Mon, Dec 1, 2008 at 2:37 PM, Myles Watson mylesgw@gmail.com wrote:
The resource patches I submitted work fairly well, but still need a little help.
I haven't touched subtractively decoded resources, and that's where the breakage is right now.
- Who should have a resource that moves all other IO resources above 0x400
or 0x1000?
What do you mean? By definition the subtractive port takes all unclaimed cycles. There should be a LPC or ISA bridge in the southbridge that forwards cycles that the legacy southbridge devices don't claim.
- Is one needed if subtractive resources are implemented correctly?
I don't think so. You might need to track the the subtractive bit in the bridges so you don't try to add those resources to the bridge BAR.
- Who is responsible for setting the top of the address range?
This should be set per mainboard but the chipset will probably have them most influence on the value. #define DEVICE_MEM_HIGH 0xFEBFFFFFUL is probably ok for most systems but an easy way to override it would be good.
- From an earlier thread with Carl-Daniel it sounded like there are fixed
locations for APICs that need to be avoided. Where should these be avoided?
Yes, APICs are generally at FEC00000(IO) and FEE00000(local).