And it boots Windows XP?
---- Thanks! I did just reinvent the wheel. BTW, how it has progressed? these two URLs get not found.
--- Okajima.
- Digital Infra, Inc. [050126 13:51]:
As my understanding, current LinuxBIOS can not boot Windows and the reason for it is that it depends on 16bit bios feature much. So far is right? If right, how about this way. Have you noticed already?
First, LinuxBIOS is loaded from flash ROM. Then, it moves itself to uppder 16M area. and it loads some free 16bit BIOS image from somewhere ( e.g. HDD, USB memory or even network) to under 1M area. And LinuxBIOS jumps to 16bit BIOS. Of course, this sequence should not be invoked automatically but by user command, e.g. run_windows or such.
Something like this has been done before, it's called ADLO. Check the mailinglist archives for more information...
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