On 01/09/2017 05:28 PM, Nico Huber wrote:
These are all good reasons not to buy a CPU that requires black-box updates. But not against applying the update if you have such a CPU.
Of course, which is why I warned the thread parent earlier in the email chain.
It seems a lot of people fail to appreciate the difference between works and works securely (aka without any significant errata).
I bought a 62xx opteron instead of a 63xx opteron because it works securely without microcode (according to various sources), unfortunately I am unemployed or I would get a 7K POWER system (and pay for firmware development) - I personally believe that cheap CPU's have ruined the internet "eternal september".
If anyone can give me one I would appreciate a coreboot wiki editor account so that I can note that as like others said it isn't made clear enough (and make a few other changes such as a supported features table and faq for the motherboards I have)