please checkout http://linuxbios.org/Flashrom#Supported_mainboards.
I've added a section where we can collect a list of known-good and known-bad mainboards, i.e.
- those which support flashrom out of the box (given that chipset and ROM chip are supported)
- those that support flashrom only after special init
- those which have been verified to _not_ support flashrom, as they need special init, but we don't yet have any code in flashrom for that.
Please add more verified boards to the list (or post them here and I'll add them).
However, please do _not_ add boards where chipset or ROM chip are unknown to flashrom. The list should track the status of the _mainboard_ (whether it needs special init or not), so only add items where the chipset and ROM chip are already supported by flashrom.
Thanks, Uwe.