Hello, So I don't have an etherboot setup, and am trying to build the epia target. I would like the payload to be filo.elf and have changed the payload options. Then I couldn't get it done because with the fallback image it was saying the romimage was too large. Well I don't use a fallback image anyway (or never have) so commented out everything that was related to FALLBACK I could find in the Config.lb file. It wouldn't compile after that because elfboot.c had missing link for boot_successful() so I commented that out.. anyway I didn't look at the boot successful function, but suffice it to say it didn't work. It built and flashed and all that but it didn't come up.
So I'm wondering what is the preferred method in V2 to not have a fallback image. The other thing I noticed is that my linuxbios.rom file is only 192Kb instead of 256kb... Is that why the fallback image wouldn't work?