ron minnich wrote:
On Jan 21, 2008 10:12 AM, Marc Jones wrote:
./include/device/smbus.h:int smbus_read_byte(struct device *dev, u8 addr); ./device/smbus_ops.c:int smbus_read_byte(struct device *dev, u8 addr) (introduced in r307)
./include/lib.h:int smbus_read_byte(unsigned device, unsigned address); ./mainboard/artecgroup/dbe61/initram.c:int smbus_read_byte(unsigned device, unsigned address) (introduced in r349)
./southbridge/amd/cs5536/smbus_initram.c:int smbus_read_byte(u16 device, u8 address) (introduced in r344)
I recommend u16 device, u16 address. The address can be up to 10 bits as I understand it on some versions of smbus. Am I wrong on this however?
I thought a device always has to be struct device? No?