Need a bit of help with this.
I have rolled and flashed a coreboot rom to the above motherboard, and after a reboot (soft) my video bios flashed up a few times and I sucessfully made the SeaBIOS prompt. However since then I have not had video. I grabbed the serial console and found that coreboot seems to be hanging before any posts are issued, but it seems never in the same place.
I have attached the furthest it seems to get and the latest cold boot I've attempted - I hope they help.
The specs of the machine are: 768mb ( 3 x 256mb pc133), a ATI 3d Rage in the AGP slot, and a Piii 700e (100mhz) on a flipchip (MS6905). I removed all other cards trying to debug this.
I'm wondering if I made a mistake in the rom so I've attached the config file too.
Can anyone explain what is happening here?