My MB is A6T based on vt8601 and vt82c686. When call vgabios(at 0xc000:0003), it halted. ... INSTALL REAL-MODE IDT DO THE VGA BIOS found VGA: vid=1023, did=8500 0x55 0xAA ...(16 bytes) bus/devfn = 0x100 biosint: # 0x1a, eax 0xb109 ebx 0x100 ecx 0x100 edx 0xb29f biosint: ebp 0x10fd8 esp 0xfc9 edi 0x2 esi 0x14040 biosint: ip 0x56e8 cs 0xc000 flags 0x16 0xb109: bus 1 devfn 0x0 reg 0x2 val 0x8500 biosint: # 0x58, eax 0xc000 ebx 0x100 ecx 0x8500 edx 0x3c2 biosint: ebp 0x10fd8 esp 0xfc7 edi 0x2 esi 0x14040 biosint: ip 0x2329 cs 0xc000 flags 0x246 biosint: Unsupport int #0x58 biosint: # 0xcd, eax 0xc000 ebx 0x100 ecx 0x8500 edx 0x3c2 biosint: ebp 0x10fd8 esp 0xfc7 edi 0x2 esi 0x14040 biosint: ip 0x2329 cs 0xc000 flags 0x246 biosint: Unsupport int #0xcd (halted)
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