A recent discussion I had about google/stout suggested that with the sources from coreboot git, this board is unable to resume from S3 suspend. (Argumentation: no EARLY_CBMEM_INIT, no MRC cache, no memory training results).
I find it hard to believe this problem would affect production units and I tried to locate the sources where this is fixed from chromium git, without success.
So this question pops on the surface once again: how do I track down, locate and download the specific revision of coreboot sources for a Chromebook production unit? I'd like to see fixes like this upstreamed to coreboot git.
As a related topic: Sandy/ivybridge boards have some low-memory writes on S3 resume, see use of CBMEM_RESUME_BACKUP and CBMEM_BOOT_MODE in romstage.c. Is there some argumentation why these writes are safe and do not corrupt OS memory?
Regards, Kyösti