On 14. Oktober 2014 01:26:37 MESZ, Peter Stuge peter@stuge.se wrote:
Nico Huber wrote:
I had first success with my pomona clip, today. Sadly, the mobo does not have any UART,
What board is it?
A Haswell ThinkPad (T440s).
so I'll finally have to switch to something more advanced.
Is LPC available on the board?
I don't think so.
I've a high-speed ftdi usb adapter board that can be used as USB
debug device
Are you really sure that the chip meets the requirements on debug devices?
No, but I have some POC code working at least with an ICH7 EHCI.
In particular non-standard data packet sizes?
Some time ago, I played a bit with my ThinkPad T60. Only limitation seemed to be the 8-byte limit of packet payload. With the right configuration packets (setting BAUD, rs232, ...) things just worked.