Coreboot has entered Hackontest a few weeks ago and we're doing reasonably well, but YOUR help is needed NOW. We have ~48 hours left until the hackontest finalists are chosen.
What's Hackontest? It's a 24 hour coding sprint located in Zürich/Switzerland during OpenExpo (September 24/25) organized by the Swiss Open Systems User Group and sponsored by Google.
We need one or two additional people who agree to implement or work/hack on any the following features for 24 hours: - Bring up the K8 (Athlon64) in coreboot v3 - Create flashrom support for the EeePc - Easy web interface to create coreboot ROMs - Offer a compat EFI plugin - Add support for AMD Phenom processors - Offer a compat BIOS plugin - Add AMD 690 chipset series support to coreboot - Add AMD 700 chipset series support to coreboot
Only one feature will be selected by the review comittee, so please add your name to all of those you think you could work on. Adding your name is a simple as logging in and clicking on "Agree to implement" for each feature.
Benefits for you (if coreboot is chosen and you're part of the team): - Google pays for your travel to Zürich/Switzerland including accommodation and meals from September 23 - 26, 2008 up to USD 1000 each person. - The participating team may win cash prizes of USD 1000, 2500 and 5000. - You get to code for 24 hours non-stop in a famous etoy.TANK http://www.etoy.com/projects/etoy-tanks/ - Travel to Switzerland. - Free all you can eat pizza/caffeine during the coding marathon.
Please also vote for all coreboot features. It really helps. http://hackontest.org/index.php?action=Root-projectDetail%2836%29
Benefits for the project: - Media coverage. Lots of it. - Money. Can help cover the costs of another coreboot symposium. - More developers. Visibility will help us a lot. - One more feature is getting done.
Regards, Carl-Daniel