On 9/16/07, Uwe Hermann uwe@hermann-uwe.de wrote:
here it is, working code for the MSI MS-7260 (K9N Neo). It's almost fully supported, a full Linux boot works, USB works, IDE works, onboard audio works, onboard ethernet works.
Uwe, my hero!
Other than that this is a very nice new target, a relatively cheap, modern K8+MCP55 board, with _socketed_ PLCC chip!
I'll be very pleased to work with someone to set this up for automatic testing, if that sort of thing interests anyone. I have two boards, BIOS-Saviors, and remote reboot capability.
(well, at least in Rev. 1.0 which I have; I don't know anything about other revisions)
A caution: I know this board is already up to Rev. 3.0 (or 1.3?).
Interestingly, with the factory BIOS flashrom doesn't work on this board, but it works flawlessly when booted with LinuxBIOS :) I'll investigate further when I find some time.
That's marvelous! I got bogged down with looking at UniFlash code, trying to figure out how to port that Pascal to FlashRom.
Thanks again!