When I read the part about being Windows-proof, I *really* liked that idea. Also, about the audit-proof aspect.
I think it would also work well for "grandpa's box" - you know, boots from a read-only CF that starts X and Mozilla - he can't mess anything up, and it takes about 5 seconds to boot.
Would built-in file encryption be a foolish thing to wish for some day? (Maybe when the chips are bigger?)
Not really possible if hard drive access doesn't go through the BIOS. And our goal is to completely eradicate the BIOS. However it could be possible to have encryption for BIOS-bound OSen such as DOS, and require an "auth sector" be present on the boot media to allow access...
Jorgen ve5jor@rac.ca
- -- Joshua Wise | www.joshuawise.com GPG Key | 0xEA80E0B3 Quote | <lilo> I akilled *@* by mistake In memoriam | Whiskers the hamster, 2001 - Dec 15, 2003