On Mon, Aug 07, 2006 at 10:09:10AM -0500, Richard Smith wrote:
Are you #includeing this in your auto.c? If so then remove it an only use the .c stuff to init the device.
Yes, I included it from auto.c. I'll try if the init works without the asm stuff, but I fear it won't. Where should a C replacement of that code be added? Should it be made part of it8671f_enable_serial()?
Anyways, I managed to build an image (based on bitworks/ims) which outputs something on the serial line:
LinuxBIOS-1.1.0-* starting...
1.1.0? What rev are you working with?
Latest svn, v2. There was more info in that line (I replaced it with "*"), but I was too lazy to type all of it.
Cheers, Uwe.