* Alexandru Gagniuc mr.nuke.me@gmail.com [150214 02:14]:
It's that time of the year it seems. Last year, there were talks about reducing the number of gerrit submitters. I'm certain you remember the anger this caused amongst non-commercial members of the community when the proposed list contained exclusively commercial community members, and I'm certain you remember how that almost lead to a fork.
This year's theme goes on the same lines. Except that it's not as tactful as last year. It's no longer "I'm planning to do this". It's "I've already done this". Let's see. We've locked most wiki pages to a select few contributors. A so-called code of conduct was unilaterally introduced. Let's look at each in part.
Do we really want to push people's nerves every year until we finally get a fork?
the leadership of this project reserves the right to enforce standards and, where required, lock down parts of coreboot.org or the mailing list to enforce those standards.
We value your contributions. We also understand that you may not find this situation acceptable and hence may not be able to continue as a contributor.