Kevin, Thank you for your infomation, this may be another way to achieve my task target. -----Original Message----- From: Kevin O'Connor [] Sent: Tuesday, February 09, 2010 11:22 AM To: jasonzhao Cc:; Subject: Re: [coreboot] Where to find document for bayou.xml?
On Mon, Feb 08, 2010 at 04:26:15PM +0800, jasonzhao wrote:
hi Jordan, Do you have any document talking about how to write a BAYOU xml file,where to get it? Or, can you tell me where is wrong in the bayou.xml at below? Many thanks.
I have a bios.bin.elf(seabios binary file) and coreinfo.elf included in my bayou.elf, so a bayou.xml is written based on bayou.xml.example, but BAYOU fails to parse it at run time: The serial output has some messy code, and the screen output only have "default chain" and "y"(keyboard can be used to choose, but pressing [return] has no response).
I don't know what is required to configure Bayou. However, it's possible to have SeaBIOS launch payloads (eg, coreinfo.elf) - see the directions at:
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