On Monday 23 September 2002 4:20 am, Ronald G Minnich wrote:
I agree with the comments on the difficulty of getting this stuff up -- it's not for your average user.
Long term, the goal is that motherboard vendors just deliver boards with a working linuxbios. SiS pioneered this over a year ago. cwlinux.com does the same thing. Linux NetworX is delivering a ca. 1000-node cluster to LLNL, and LinuxLabs has been delivering linuxbios-based boxes for some time now.
We have two more vendors "in process" so hopefully some day linuxbios becomes a check box on an order from.
That's a great objective, but clearly it will take time to get there, and even when we've achieved it I think it remains in the spirit of an Open Source Software project to keep as good a set of instructions as we can on the website for people to be able to Do It Themselves, either because they want to, or because they want to try it on some new piece of hardware and need all the help they can get understanding how it's supposed to work on something functional before embarking on something which they expect to presentthem with challenges.